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Celeste Senés

Ajudant les organitzacions a integrar processos d’innovació. Creo projectes innovadors amb impacte social.

[email protected]


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Formo part dels projectes

  • Digital Skills Up

    Abordant la transformació digital a través de la preparació, la resiliència i el desenvolupament de capacitats. Recursos: - Skills Up Training Toolbox - Train the traineers - You Yes Platform - Esdeveniments

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  • Ewomen in Ict

    The Entrepreneurial Women In ICT – Enhancing Skills to Bridge Digital Divide was an Erasmus+ project with the duration of 24 months that aimed to minimize the gap between men and women regarding ICT and entrepreneurial competences and opportunities. Premi a les Millors Pràctiques Erasmus Plus.

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  • New Tech Senior Leader

    The idea is to equip senior educators with tools to teach them new technologies, especially how to work with simple robots. Project aims: to increase skills and knowledge among seniors teachers, trainers, leaders and guardians on how to teach them digital skills with simple robots usage to increase the appropriate approach among teachers, keepers to teach the digital skills to seniors to increase the skills and knowledge in the precision, logical, analytical and creative thinking of seniors to increase the ability to work with new technologies, tools etc. in the senior environment – decreasing the fear of new tech among seniors

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Quines temàtiques són del seu interès?

Clústers i ecosistemes d'empreses, Desenvolupament de negoci i emprenedoria, Innovació Social, Innovació Tecnològica, Living Lab